Complete High Speed Vedic Math Course | Vedic Math Tricks udemy course free download

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Are you or your child struggling with Math? Would you like to have fun with Math?

If yes, then this course is for you!

I have designed “Speedy Vedic Math in Hindi” course to be suitable for all age groups. The content of these videos is not taught in schools and it is beyond the classroom teachings. Our “Speedy Vedic Math in Hindi” course includes 116 lectures over 20+ hours of course material on the Method of Mental Calculation System and over a 600+ solved examples and exercises.

Our “Speedy Vedic Math” course contents are completely in Hindi Language. After completing this course, you would be able to solve these questions in 5 seconds -

4562178584 X 9999999999 =?

Square of 9998 =?

You can convert fraction in decimal part up to 15 digits of decimal places in 10 seconds.

What is Vedic Mathematics

Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of Indian Mathematics which was rediscovered from the Vedas between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji (1884-1960). According to his research all of mathematics is based on sixteen Sutras, or word-formulae. For example, 'Vertically and Crosswise` is one of these Sutras. These formulae describe the way the mind naturally works and are therefore a great help in directing the student to the appropriate method of solution.

The simplicity of Vedic Mathematics means that calculations can be carried out mentally (though the methods can also be written down). There are many advantages in using a flexible, mental system. Pupils can invent their own methods; they are not limited to the one 'correct' method. This leads to more creative, interested and intelligent pupils.

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