Complete JavaScript for Beginners & Professionals 2022 udemy course free download

What you'll learn:



JavaScript is the most important programming language for developing any web applications. As a front end developer you must know programming language.

Myself NAVEEN SAGGAM , I am the owner of UiBrains Technologies YouTube channel. This course is designed to help you in learning the complete JavaScript programming language. This course suits to both the beginners & professionals. This course is unique and it contains each concept with a practical example to make understand in a better manner and this will also provides you a hands on experience. All the concepts explained here are by me are the best of my knowledge and experience in the subject.

This is a step by step course in learning JavaScript Programming language. This course contains more of the practical examples on each of the topic.

This course will explains the following concepts,

What is JavaScript, why to learn JavaScript.

Environment setup for practicing JavaScript programming.

Variable declarations , rules , Data Types in JavaScript.

Operators , Conditional & Looping statements in JavaScript.

Objects , arrays , functions in JavaScript with examples.

Built-in Math , Date , Number Objects in JavaScript

JavaScript coding questions for Practice.

DOM manipulation , Events handling in JavaScript

A bunch of fun examples on DOM manipulation like Math table , Stop Watch.

Form Validations in JavaScript.

Local Storage , Session Storage in JavaScript.

Task List application , Scopes concept in JavaScript

NEW features in JavaScript Version ES6

Object Oriented JavaScript Programming Language.

setInterval() , setTimeout() , clearInterval() in Detail.

Asynchronous JavaScript , Callbacks , Promises , Async-Await concept in JavaScript.

The Real Image upload functionality in JavaScript.

Who this course is for:

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