React JS 2020 - Learn, Build and Deploy Web App on Cloud udemy course free download

What you'll learn:



This course is for beginners and intermediates whom wants to hands on and build a web application using ReactJS and deploy to Cloud.


What are we doing in this course?

We gonna learn React fundamentals and dive deeper into it as we go. We will do theories on React fundamentals and then hands on to build a CoronaVirus Tracker Web App!

Technology that powering React

JavaScript, or JS is ranked #1 among other programming languages used  as it is the only programming language that runs with most browsers, that handling front end business logics.

Messy when application scales larger

Purely using JS to code and relying JS's best friend, JQuery is not scalable for web applications as when the codebase got larger, its hard to maintain and often resulting in few thousands lines of codes.

How would ReactJS Help ?

By utilising React's class components, we could easily build a reusable components or a.k.a HTML elements. This results in less code duplications and improve the readability for the code.


This course will covers FULL STACK implementation which will includes the frontend implementation using ReactJS, backend implementation using PHP, database query using MYSQL and deployment to Google Cloud Platform. Besides that, this course will include bonus contents that contains real life integrations tutorials with third party libraries.

By the end of the course, you will be able to start building your own web application!

P.S: Bonus content will always get updated as i encountered in real life development, i will make video about it and upload here.

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