Unity Multiplayer: Intermediate C# Coding & Networking udemy course free download

What you'll learn:



In this course you'll build a multiplayer Real Time Strategy (RTS) game, that you can play online through the Steam API against your friends. You'll learn fundamental multiplayer development principles such as synching variables, remote procedure calls (RPCs) and writing server authoritative logic in a way that can be applied to your own indie multiplayer games.

This is not a course for absolute beginners. You'll need a basic grasp of Unity and C# before you get started so that you're ready for the more advanced concepts we'll be using such as events, interfaces, and inheritance.

By the end of this course you will be able to...

  • Make your own online multiplayer games using Unity and Mirror.

  • Create a working RTS game designed for 2 to 4 players (but with no upper limit on players!).

  • Learn the client-server model of making online multiplayer games.

  • Use the Steam API to play your game against your friends online.

  • Practice fundamental multiplayer principles such as synching variables, remote procedure calls (RPCs) and writing server authoritative logic.

  • Implement intermediate C# coding techniques such as events, inheritance and interfaces.

  • Create a gameplay lobby to help with matchmaking.

  • Implement a range of cool RTS gameplay features such as multi-select, unit spawning, RTS combat, nav mesh movement, mini-map, and more.

All students have access to the Q&A forums where our Instructors, Teaching Assistants and Community are ready to help answer your questions and cheer on your success.

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