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Tag: Development
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming
A practical programming course for office workers, academics, and administrators...
Build Enterprise Applications with Angular 2 (and Angular 4)
Firebase, Authentication, Ionic, Integration with ASP.NET Core, Performance Opti...
The Complete PL/SQL Bootcamp : "Beginner to Advanced PL/SQL"
A Comprehensive Guide to Make You a Job-Ready PL/SQL Developer.Also Covers Oracl...
Wordpress Complete Web Design :Latest Wordpress Design Techs
Master Wordpress website design with Elementor : beginner to Advanced - no codin...
Fundamentals of Java with NetBeans
Basic principles of the Java language by example
Build Web Applications with JavaScript step by step
Build and Publish Real World Appliations
RESTful API with Laravel: Build a Real API with Laravel
Build a RESTful API for a market system using Laravel and dominate the most chal...
Python for Computer Vision with OpenCV and Deep Learning
Learn the latest techniques in computer vision with Python , OpenCV , and Deep L...
Laravel 2019, the complete guide with real world projects
Build simple to advanced web applications using the PHP's most popular web frame...
WordPress Plugin Development - Build 14 Plugins
Learn powerful WordPress development with plugins, APIs, hooks, the WP-Admin & m...
The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures
Ace your next Javascript coding interview by mastering data structures and algor...
Learn HANA® Native SQL, Modelling , Procedures and Performance Enhancement
Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI
How to create machine learning recommendation systems with deep learning, collab...
Epic Construct 2 Course: Complete 60 Beginner Games!
Learn to build 60 games in Construct 2 without programming. Learn the secrets b...
Introduction to Machine Learning for Data Science
A primer on Machine Learning for Data Science. Revealed for everyday people, by...
Master Object Oriented Design in Java - Homework + Solutions
Don't just learn Java! Learn to write practical industry standard object oriente...