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Complete Practical Regular Expressions(Regex) Course For All
Master Regular Expressions (Regex) for Python, Java, Javascript, Golang or any o...
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) with Keras in Python and R
Understand Deep Learning and build Neural Networks using TensorFlow 2.0 and Kera...
Python for Computer Vision with OpenCV and Deep Learning
Learn the latest techniques in computer vision with Python , OpenCV , and Deep L...
Build Websites from Scratch with HTML & CSS
Learn Web Development Essentials and Become a Web Developer From Scratch in this...
Photoshop and Photography Digital Art Compositing Course
Learn Adobe Photoshop CC and photography by designing levitation digital art com...
Polymer 3 - Code Like A Google Developer
Build universal web components Lit-Element, Lit-HTML
Apache Spark for Java Developers
Get processing Big Data using RDDs, DataFrames, SparkSQL and Machine Learning - ...
Learn To Create WordPress Themes By Building 10 Projects
Master the craft of WordPress theme development by creating project based themes
Advanced Scripting & Tool Making using Windows PowerShell
PowerShell | Simplified advanced training on PowerShell with real world problems...
Angular Crash Course for Busy Developers
Have limited time to learn Angular 4 (Angular 2+)? Take this course and learn An...
Beginner to Pro in Excel: Financial Modeling and Valuation
Financial Modeling in Excel that would allow you to walk into a job and be a roc...
Typescript: The Complete Developer's Guide
Master Typescript by learning popular design patterns and building complex proje...
DevOps Fundamentals With Agile: Gain Solid Understanding
Learn the fundamentals of DevOps methodology, continuous integration, build auto...
Social Media Marketing MASTERY | Learn Ads on 10+ Platforms
MASTER online marketing on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Goo...
3D in After Effects CC: Working & Animating in 3D Space
Adobe After Effects CC: A complete guide to Animating in After Effects 3D Space ...